Timber Pile Inspection
TISEC Inc. provides inspection of timber bridge piles using state-of-the-art instruments to evaluate the quality of timber and level of wood decay present in determining whether the pile should be replaced or repaired.
The inspection is used for detecting and measuring cracks, voids, cavities, and decay inside the timber piles. It is also used for estimating the percent remaining strength to determine pass/fail.

Superior Results Compared to Visual Inspection
TISEC’s technology provides superior results compared to visual inspection, sounding, sound-and-bore, and partial excavation since it provides quantitative results on wood integrity through the cross-section of the pile. No excavation is required since our technology acquires subsurface data from above ground level.
How it Works
- A small drill bit penetrates the wood
- Resistance of wood to drilling provides relative density distribution
- Density measurements are digitally recorded for permanent record keeping
- Inspection data are downloaded with an integrated Bluetooth wireless adapter

- Fast, accurate and reliable measurements save you time and costs
- Limiting unnecessary pole replacements = lower costs for you
- No unnecessary damages to the pile during inspection
- Find wood decay, rot, hollow areas and cracks
Our experienced inspectors perform efficient inspections of your timber ioles and provide timely well written reports and data. TISEC’s inspectors have follow-up certifications in fall protection, rope access and confined space entry as well.