Aboveground Storage Tanks Floor Inspection
Tank bottom (or floor) inspection is a special case.
The sides and roof can be conveniently inspected with conventional nondestructive methods with which defects and releases are readily detectable. Tank floors are less accessible and evidence of defects and releases remains largely hidden from view until the extent of a release is large. In-service degradation of tank bottoms is the result of internal, under-floor corrosion, and mechanical deformation.
Acoustic Emission inspection of tank floors satisfies the requirements in API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction. Using API 653 as its basis, TISEC’s tank bottom maintenance program combines nondestructive inspection with comprehensive life-cycle maintenance tools that use the valuable information available in the inspection and other maintenance data gathered on the tank over time. This ensemble of tools is designed to meet the mandatory regulatory requirements based on API 653.
They minimize maintenance costs and reduce exposure to safety, environmental and business risks by:
- – Selecting the correct inspection methods
- – Evaluating the current condition of the tank
- – Establishing inspection intervals
- – Predicting remaining life
AE tank floor monitoring data indicate regions of AE event concentration that can be selected for detailed analysis. Based on the concentration and rate of emission, AE monitoring gives an overall rating to the tank and pinpoints tanks requiring immediate inspection and remedial follow-up or subsequent re-test and inspection.

Our American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) certified inspectors have complementary NDT and safety training. With over 300 tanks tested to date, we have a proven track record for high quality nondestructive testing services and safety to meet all of your needs.