CWI, AWS Non Destructive (NDT) Inspection of Erected Structures & Buildings
TISEC Inc. has inspectors certified in Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Magnetic Particle (MT), Liquid Dye Penetrant (PT) Testing.
- Ultrasonic Inspection is performed in accordance with ASTM E 164
- Magnetic Particle Inspection is performed in accordance with ASTM E 790
- Liquid Dye Penetrant Inspection is performed in accordance with ASTM E 165

TISEC has Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI). Welds can be inspected to the requirements of:
- AWS D1.1 (structural welding code) or
- AWS D1.5 (bridge welding code)
TISEC has experience inspecting welded connections both in the field and in the fabrication shop. TISEC also performs bolted connection conformance verification for bolted connections using ASTM A325 and A490 bolts.
TISEC has extensive experience using fall protection and rope access techniques to perform inspections in hard to reach and difficult access locations.

Our American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) certified inspectors have complementary training in fall protection, rope access (SPRAT), highway safety, and confined space safety. We have a proven record of high quality inspection services and safety.